8 Tips to Maintain Healthy Skin in the New Year

8 Tips to Maintain Healthy Skin in the New Year

8 Tips to Maintain Healthy Skin in the New Year

Here are 8 Tips to Maintain Healthy Skin in the New Year. You may think New Year is about piling on different products to look glamorous. They can help you glam up, but your skin needs to be healthy first. 

So how should we maintain healthy and naturally glowing skin? Here are 8 easy tips that can sort that out for you quickly.

1. Change your pillowcase twice a week to reduce the risk of breakouts. Movement is also essential for good blood circulation, which carries nutrients and oxygen to feed your skin. Your skin’s health is completely dependent on the nutrients it receives in this way. And don’t forget to get a good night’s sleep. This will also prevent your skin from looking dull.



2. Wear sunscreen daily to prevent hyperpigmentation, aging spots, and reduce your risk of developing skin cancer. Ultraviolet damage can affect your skin all year round, especially when it snows or the sunlight glares back onto you. UV rays that cause aging and skin damage enter through the clouds, so wearing sunscreen is an important step in your skincare. If you’re not using a sunscreen every day but trying to prevent dark spots and signs of aging skin, please throw your entire routine away. Wearing Sunscreen every day is a non-negotiable, even in the colder months as well as when you’re indoors. 




3. When washing your face, lather, and massage for 60 seconds to ensure you got a thorough clean and increased circulation in your face. You may also like to stay in the shower for half an hour enjoying the warmth but hot water can also strip your skin of moisture. Try to limit showers and baths to ten to fifteen minutes and keep the water lukewarm.




4. Going to sleep with make-up on is a bad mistake. If you want your skin to be fresh, it’s very important to let it breathe every night. Wash your makeup off before going to bed. Leaving makeup on your face can lead to breakouts not to mention. 




5. Is your face looking and feeling a bit dull? When was the last time you’ve exfoliated? There are two types of exfoliants: chemical and physical. When choosing exfoliant products, search for products containing alpha-hydroxy acids such as glycolic acid and beta hydroxy acids such as salicylic acid. Use an exfoliant twice a week and your skin will thank you for it. Dead skin cells be gone!  



6. Just like you need to hydrate your beautiful skin from the inside, you also need to nourish that from within by eating the right foods and drinking adequate amounts of water. Include plenty of antioxidants, vitamins, and other nutrient-rich food in your diet like – Spinach, Tomatoes, Broccoli, Bell Peppers, Nuts, Carrots, Dark Chocolate, etc. Also cut down on junk food for some days, this will also help reduce breakouts which would in turn clear up your skin. Vitamin C is essential for healthy collagen production, which helps maintain the strength and elasticity of our skin. 




7. Keep your routine simple. I get it. You have all these products that you need to use, however using many products can contribute to inflammation and irritation. Especially if you combine two ingredients that shouldn’t be mixed. So, take the right decision to choose your products from authentic sources like this


8. Schedule a professional treatment with your skincare professional.




If you’re doing all 8 of these tips, kudos for you! And if you’re not, it’s always ok to start from a point. This year and onward, let healthy skin be your focus as opposed to perfect.   


Need help with your skincare regimen, contact us to book a virtual skincare consultation.   



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