Laser Hair Removal

Serenity Aesthetics & Wellness Services

Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal uses a combination of heat and energy to destroy the hair follicle without harming the skin around it. At Serenity Aesthetics & Wellness in Philadelphia, we use The Aerolase Neo Elite laser which offers our patients a uniquely pain-free and gentle way to get rid of any unwanted hair. Most patients who have been treated by other lasers say that being treated with the Aerolase Neo Elite is much gentler and more pleasant. During laser hair removal, the hair must be in its growing phase in order to be successfully destroyed. To ensure that all hair is effectively removed during the growing phase, a series of 3 or 6 treatments spaced 3-4 weeks apart is recommended. This will help ensure maximum results.

PFB (Pseudofolliculitis Barbae, i.e. ingrown hairs, razor bumps or beard bumps) is an irritating condition that is commonly caused by shaving. It often appears in patients of darker skin types. The laser selectively targets melanin in the underlying hair and follicle, as well as hyperpigmentation surrounding the lesion. Due to Aerolase lasers’ unique 650-microsecond pulse duration being 50 to 500 times shorter than pulses durations typically used for hair removal by other laser technologies, the energy passes through the skin quickly and does not overheat the epidermal melanin to effectively treat the condition. It is an effective treatment in reducing ingrown hairs etc. 2-3 sessions are recommended to achieve optimal results.

3 or 6 treatments spaced 3-4 weeks apart is recommended.

The $100 booking fee goes toward your laser hair removal treatment. Discontinue waxing, tweezing or plucking 3 weeks prior to treatment. Shaving is required 2 days before treatment, as small 2-3 mm stubble of hair MUST be present for the treatment to be effective.

*All services are non-refundable per Serenity Aesthetics & Wellness Policy.

Before & After: Hair – Upper Lip

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Before & After: Hair – Armpit

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Before & After: Hair – Back of Neck

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Before & After: Hair – Beard

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Before & After: Hair – Chin

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