When Can I Exercise After Botox?

When Can I Exercise After Botox?

When Can I Exercise After Botox?

When Can I Exercise After Botox?

Keep reading to learn about Botox injections. It’s common for clients to inquire about when they can exercise after receiving Botox. Here at Serenity Aesthetics & Wellness, Botox injections have recently been added to the service menu. We are very happy to be expanding the treatment options available at our office. However, it is important that clients understand the importance of prioritizing safe aftercare in compliance with their practitioners instructions. This article discusses the importance of avoiding exercise and rubbing of the treatment site after Botox.

What is Botox?

Firstly, Botox is made from the toxin produced by bacterium Clostridium botulinum. In medical aesthetics, it is used in small doses to temporarily weaken a muscle. In result, the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles are minimized.

The First 24 Hours After Receiving Botox

The first 24 hours after receiving Botox it is important to refrain from rubbing the skin. Rubbing the skin after receiving injectables can cause the toxin to spread to unintended areas and alter results. Exercising is also prohibited during the first 24 hours after receiving Botox as it can cause too much movement. Exercising increases blood flow and pressure to the face which can trigger movement of the toxin to unwanted areas. Unintended Neurotoxin spread can lead to ptosis. Ptosis is a complication indicated by droopy upper eyelids.

Botox Injections Available in Philadelphia

Lastly, If you are interested in receiving Botox contact our office today or schedule a consultation online with our Founder/Medical Director, Dr. Gina Charles. We look forward to seeing you soon and assisting you on your journey to healthy, wrinkle free skin.

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