How To Prevent Ochronosis When Using Hydroquinone

How To Prevent Ochronosis When Using Hydroquinone

How To Prevent Ochronosis When Using Hydroquinone

How To Prevent Ochronosis When Using Hydroquinone

Here at Serenity Aesthetics & Wellness, we want our clients to know how to prevent ochronosis when using hydroquinone. Education is a firm practice here at Serenity Aesthetics & Wellness. We pride ourselves in having the proper resources to assist you on your path to healthy glowing skin. However, it is important that those resources are used responsibly and in compliance with practitioner guidelines. Keep reading to learn more about the link between hydroquinone and ochronosis as well as how to prevent development of the condition.

What is Hydroquinone?

Hydroquinone is a skin lightening agent. In medical aesthetics, we prescribe this to clients experiencing stubborn hyperpigmentation like melasma or post inflammatory hyperpigmentation. Hydroquinone triggers lightening of the skin by interfering with melanocytes ability to produce melanin. Over time, the area of concern will lighten. In the past, Hydroquinone could be purchased over the counter if the percentage was under 2%. Higher percentages such as hydroquinone of 4% and up must be prescribed by a physician.

Using Hydroquinone Responsibly

It is important that you use hydroquinone in compliance with the prescribing physician’s instructions. It is also important that you take breaks in between use of hydroquinone. We recommend taking a 2 month break after 3 months of application. Since hydroquinone is a photosensitive agent, It is also important to use SPF 30 or higher daily when on hydroquinone. Failing to follow the prescribing physician’s instructions, along with prolonged hydroquinone use  can lead to the development of Ochronosis.

What is Ochronosis?

Ochronosis is a skin related disorder resulting from complications due to prolonged use of skin lightening agents. The disorder is characterized by a bluish, black appearance on the skin. It is believed that hydroquinone blocks the enzyme homogentisic oxidase needed to break down the homogentisic acid chemical. Because the enzyme is blocked, homogentisic acid builds up and turns into a dark pigment in the skin leading to the appearance of ochronosis.

Transparency With Practitioners

Ochronosis is very difficult to correct. It is very important that clients are forthcoming with practitioners during consultations. This is the most opportune time to make your practitioner aware of past experiences with skin lightening agents. Accurately providing your practitioner with this information will allow them to construct a safe, yet effective treatment plan for you that won’t further harm your skin. Withholding information from the practitioner can lead to the client receiving treatment that worsens the condition.

 Consultations For Preventing Ochronosis in Philadelphia

As stated earlier, once Ochronosis develops it is very difficult to treat successfully. The goal here at Serenity Aesthetics & Wellness is educating our clients on prevention. If you are suffering from any form of hyperpigmentation and believe that treatment with hydroquinone would be best for you, please schedule a consultation with one of our licensed skin care professionals. During this time, we will examine your skin, learn about your lifestyle as well as skincare history to form a safe and effective routine.  Visit us online or in office to book today

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