Benefits of Dermaplaning

dermaplaning in Philadelphia

Benefits of Dermaplaning

What are the Benefits Of Dermaplaning?

One question that we are often asked is What is dermaplaning? Dermaplaning is a procedure where a doctor or an esthetician uses a medical-grade scalpel to scrape (not cut) across the surface of the skin. There are many benefits of Dermaplaning. This technique removes the vellus hair (Peach fuss) on the face.  Peach fuzz can be almost colorless, blond, gray, brown or the same color as the hair on your head. This type of hair coats our entire bodies and its purpose is to keep us warm and to act as another layer of protection for the skin. However, some of us have thicker and more noticeable peach fuzz. Which traps makeup, dirt, and dead skin, so we choose to have it removed. Check out this video to see dermaplaning being done  at Serenity Aesthetics & Wellness in Philadelphia.


Why would anyone choose dermaplaning

When performed by a professional, dermaplaning is safe for all skin types, especially those with sun damage, fine lines, dry patches, and dull skin. Dermaplaning gets rid of a superficial layer of dead skin. This leads to a brightening effect on the skin, and also helps skincare products penetrate the skin more effectively. It also provides a smoother makeup application. 



Can Dermaplaning be preformed before other Treatments

Dermaplaning can be performed prior to another skin treatment such as a chemical peel or facial. Make sure to take care of your skin after undergoing a dermaplaning treatment. Your skin will be more sensitive to the sun, so coat your skin with sunblock of SPF 30 or higher. Additionally, be cautious about using retinol and glycolic acids as well. It is recommended that you use a serum with growth factors to help with skin texture and tone. 



Who should avoid dermaplaning?

If you have acne, you should avoid this treatment because as the scalpel is gliding, it can nick a pimple and delay the pimple’s healing process. Also, if you have highly reactive, sensitive skin (like those with rosacea or keratosis pilaris), avoid this procedure. As well as, if you are experiencing a cold sore breakout, you should be on a medication like Valtrex and the doctor should avoid that area. Without the use of preventative medication, cold sores could spread due to the microtears in the skin that can be caused by this procedure. Contact us to book your Dermaplaning procedure at our Philadelphia office, book virtual consultation here

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